Dog Training Boot Camp

Neuman K-9 Academy's Dog Training Boot Camp has quickly become the Nation’s leading dog boot camp. Your dog comes and stays at our facility for 8-weeks, or 12-weeks in length, training 7-days a week. This is referred to as 'Board-and-Train,' because your dog will be boarding overnight, and training from course start till graduation.

Our team of trainers will teach your dog how to respond to obedience commands, walking on leash past other dogs, proper etiquette, and household manners.

This full spectrum learning process includes owner training, a necessary part of ensuring a dog maintains these skills lifelong.

The 10-acre campus gives boot campers plenty of room to run and grow. We create an environment that values proper etiquette and reinforces inherent strengths. Dogs in training are engaged in obedience exercises learning impulse control, proper etiquette, physical conditioning, and pack socialization.

Boot Camp is our most popular obedience training program. It is unique and unmatched by anything we have seen nationwide.

Dog Training Boot Camp

Training Curriculum:

Confidence Building - Obstacle courses, environmental stability, and dealing with adversity is why we call this boot camp. Dogs learn to work through various conditions that build confidence such as jumping in/out of vehicles, going over agility equipment (A-frames and dogwalks), and going up/down stairs.

Obedience Training (on and off-leash) - Practical and necessary commands for daily living. Commands to walk at your side without pulling, sit automatically when you stop sit-stay, down-stay, 'come' when called, 'wait' at doors or in a kennel until released, go into a kennel on command, and more!

Proper Etiquette - Boot camp dogs learn to meet-and-greet humans under control and without jumping (all four paws on the floor), sit and wait at heel position when the handler stops, and wait to get in or out of a vehicle on command.

Treadmill Training - Boot camp dogs learn to run on a human treadmill; these workouts improve stamina, tone muscles (incline, intervals, power walking), and will help your dog absorb more during the training process.

Pack Socialization - A dog needs to be able to co-exist within the pack and have proper play style. Boot Camp dogs in training get to run and play in groups of dogs, learning how to act as a pack, and take direction from human pack leaders, the trainers at Neuman K-9 Academy. Dogs in our boot camp also learn to come when called even while engaged in play with other dogs or on a nature hike. Group play and pack exercises are not intended to solve or address dog aggression. If a dog is aggressive, it may be excluded from pack socialization.

Field Trips - Dogs enrolled for the 12-week course will go into public places the final month of training for distraction proofing, public-etiquette, and conditioning to environmental stimulus. This includes stopping and sitting automatically at a crosswalk, holding stationary positions when people or cars pass, and responding to commands in an urban environment.

Video Proof - At the end of boot camp, we create a YouTube video of your dog, demonstrating their ability to wait in a kennel, run on a treadmill, and respond to obedience commands for male/female trainers. This video illustrates our high standard of training, proving your dog's ability to follow commands.

Handler Training - Each one of our boot camp programs includes handler training and instruction at graduation. Handler training is a daylong seminar, with hands-on training for owners. Each client or family will learn about the training their dog has received, how/when to use the commands, and proper reinforcement of the training. Handler instruction includes a YouTube seminar of the instruction, as well as a video demonstration of the owner's dog performing the commands, written instructions, a daylong seminar + hands on training, 2-hours of post course completion coaching (group or private session), and lifelong support from the Academy.

Upon completion of boot camp, your dog will receive a certificate of completion in recognition from the Academy.

Boot Camp Dog Training - Group Obedience Boot Camp Dog Training - Agility and confidence Dog Training Boot Camp - Group Socialization

8-Week Boot Camp $6800

The 8-week boot camp begins by working in a controlled environment, during the first four-weeks dogs will perform hundreds of repetitive exercises developing permanent command associations, learning, and mastering proper responses to commands. During these exercises each dog will learn name-recognition, sit, down, stay, walking on-leash without pulling, not jumping on the handler, and participate in daily play groups for healthy socialization with other friendly dogs. During weeks 4-8, dogs will begin working outdoors learning how to respond to commands under distraction, undergo obedience drills incorporating distractions, sit automatically when you come to a stop, get in/out of a vehicle on command (if your dog is large enough or physically able), participate in OFF-LEASH exercises to come when called, go on nature hikes on campus, treadmill training, and learn a drop-it command.

8-week commands include: Name (eye contact), sit, down, stay, wait at doors, place (go to bed and rest), come when called (off-leash), go into a kennel, drop-it, and heeling (walking on-leash). General etiquette like not jumping on humans or mouthing/nipping.

8-week considerations: The 8-week course includes all the foundation obedience training and commands a typical pet dog will need, as well as simulated obedience drills (onsite) for distraction proofing. The 8-week course does NOT include field trips into the city, or off-leash heeling.

* Age: 12 months or older. If your dog is under 12 months, see the Puppy Camp program.
** No pre-requisites are required for this course.
Note: A $200/month fee will be applied to the boot camp prices for dogs over 100 pounds or large sized dogs needing a colossal size crate.

12-Week Boot Camp $8800

The 12-week boot camp covers everything described in the 8-week camp; however, during weeks 8-12 dogs will go into public places the final month of training for distraction proofing, public-etiquette, and conditioning to environmental stimulus. This includes stopping and sitting automatically at a crosswalk, holding stationary positions when people or cars pass, and responding to commands in an urban environment. Training also includes long-distance OFF-LEASH recall exercises, OFF-LEASH heeling next to the handler, and duration building to teach the dog to follow commands like down/stay, place, and focus exercises to further develop impulse control.

12-week commands include: Name (eye contact), sit, down, stay, wait at doors, place (go to bed and rest), come when called (off-leash with distractions), go into a kennel, drop-it, down from a distance, and heeling (walking next to handler on and off-leash). General etiquette like not jumping on humans or mouthing/nipping.

12-week considerations: This course is recommended for owners seeking the highest level of obedience, both on-leash, and off-leash. The 12-week camp includes field trips into the city for distraction proofing, off-leash heeling (where permitted), and longer distance recalls.
* Age: 12 months or older. If your dog is under 12 months, see the Puppy Camp program.
** No pre-requisites are required for this course.
Note: A $200/month fee will be applied to the boot camp prices for dogs over 100 pounds or large sized dogs needing a colossal size crate.

4-Week Continued Education Camp $3800

Dogs who have already graduated from our Academy and are returning to improve their skills are eligible to participate in the 4-week continued education (CE) camp. The program will consist of a refresher on previously learned commands, and then move on to the next level of training to further develop skills. If a dog has previously completed a 4-week puppy camp, this 4-week advancement will focus on the curriculum for weeks 4-8 (refer to the 8-week boot camp). If a dog has already completed an 8-week boot camp, this 4-week advancement course will focus on the curriculum for weeks 8-12 (refer to the 12-week boot camp).

4-Week CE considerations: This 4-week CE course is recommended for owners who have dogs that have previously graduated from a camp at our Academy and are now looking to advance to a higher level of training.
**Pre-requisite: Completion of either a puppy camp or boot camp from our academy is required for CE.
Note: A $200/month fee will be applied to boot camp prices for dogs over 100 pounds or large sized dogs needing a colossal-sized crate.

Owner Training - Included In All Levels of Boot Camp (Priceless)
In order for ANY form of dog training to be successful, it is important for owners to understand how a dog learns from the training, how and when to use commands, and how to handle a dog lifelong in the real world. Handler training for the owner(s) is a half-day process where we teach how and when to use the commands, how a dog will continue to learn lifelong, and the owner's role of influencing and reinforcing their dog's behavior returning home. The success of our camp comes in two forms; training for the dogs AND training for the owners.

Boot Camp Enrollment:
Boot Camp is our most popular program. Due to the rigorous training involved, we have limited availability. Boot camp dog training start dates are:

10/06/24 | 0 spots remaining (sold-out)
11/03/24 | 1 spot remaining
12/01/24 | 3 spots remaining
12/29/24 | 6 spots remaining

**Last Updated on: 10/21/2024**

Get Started

To register:
1. Submit a training enrollment form (see yellow "Get Started" button above).
2. We will email you an electronic contract & credit card payment form for the deposit. The deposit is 50% of the cost of the course. Sign the contract and provide payment (Visa/MasterCard) for the deposit.
3. A behavioral questionnaire, health form, and list of required items will be emailed to you. Complete the questionnaire and have your vet sign the health form. Both need to be returned a week before camp begins.
4. Arrive on the scheduled start date with your dog and items.

Continued Education and Dog Boarding

Graduates of our boot camp training program are eligible to return at a later date for refresher training, continuing education, or boarding. This is an exclusive program made available to graduates of our training program, giving owners a more productive option to boarding at the local kennel. This is a great way to improve what your dog has already learned, plus we provide a familiar environment, refresher training, and lots of exercise!

To see recent graduates of the academy click here --> Dog Training Video and Pictures Gallery


How our Academy is different

In 2007, when our boot camp course came to be, we were one of the few in the Midwest offering this service. Over the years, we have seen franchise pop-ups, and other trainers imitate this course. We have created the industry standard, often referred to as the ‘Ivy League' of dog training schools, and for good reason. We include a comprehensive learning process for dogs, utilizing all four quadrants of operant conditioning, distraction proofing, impulse control, physical conditioning, pack socialization, and more. We provide video proof of every dog that graduates from our Academy, published (publicly) to YouTube. We also understand the importance of owner training; ensuring a lifetime of happiness, freedom, and the ability for dogs to go more places, and be a bigger part of the family.

Our facility is conveniently located in Hugo, Minnesota. We are 28 miles from downtown Minneapolis or 22 miles from St. Paul (Twin Cities, MN). We receive dogs from all over the country and can arrange shipping and receiving from the Minneapolis International Airport (MSP). The in-board training or board-and-train options we provide allow you to enroll your dog for boot camp, even if you are not close to our Academy.

Don't take our word for it! See what clients are saying about Neuman K-9 Academy Dog Training Boot Camp!

Click here to learn 10 Key Benefits of Our Boot Camp.

Other pages you may find helpful:
Neuman K-9 Academy FAQs
Dog Training Articles
For questions, comments or assistance regarding dog boot camp or other training services, Contact Us or complete our Services Inquiry form.

Boot Camp Dog in Training

Learning to run on a human treadmill is a fun part of the physical conditioning in boot camp.