Dog Training Commands

Dog Obedience is Good for You and Your Dog

Effective communication using verbal dog training commands, hand signals and proper motivation are the foundation for a well trained dog.

Acquiring a full, consistent and expansive education in dog training commands leads to a harmonious existence within the home and beyond for both humans and dogs.

You'll notice in this video that I am using a variety of dog training commands — verbal, hand signals and reward.

During the learning phase, I use positive motivation, shaping, and luring – performing several hundred repetitions of each command and exercise.

After the dog learns the commands, I transition to a reward-based system, phasing out these motivators. This makes the response to obedience reliable.

Once a dog has mastered the commands, I use a specialized method of proofing and generalization by taking field trips and working under distraction.

Dog Training Commands for Small Dogs

Many dog owners believe that smaller dogs need less training because they are too small to do any real damage should they be poorly behaved.

In fact, the opposite is true. A small dog can't drag you around the block on a walk (though it may try) or enthusiastically knock down one of your guests as he or she arrives, but small dogs benefit from the same dog training commands as larger dogs.

The world is physically intimidating and dangerous to a small dog. They often exhibit their fear through aggressive, anxious or out-of-control behavior like barking or chewing. The dog is stressed.

It often thinks it must protect you from this overwhelming environment, make decisions, and be in charge. What we deem as poor behavior, your dog considers necessary to survival, because we haven't taught it otherwise.



Prince is a Miniature Pinscher that completed the Neuman K-9 Academy boot camp for dogs. This program covered obedience dog training commands to
sit, stay, down, heel, come when called (off-leash), confidence building,
distraction proofing, and general etiquette like waiting at doors until released
and no jumping up. He also learned how to run on the treadmill, and jump
in a vehicle on command.

Click here for details about each of our dog training programs or browse our extensive gallery of graduate pictures and dog training videos.

Dog Training Services Inquiry

Dog Training Commands for Humans

We may interact with our dogs almost as if they are human – but they don't really understand us when we "talk" human.

Dog training commands are the most effective way of communicating with your dog. Let them know that you will make the decisions; that you appreciate their loyalty; but they can relax and feel confident under your leadership.

Leadership is established when a human sets clear rules for behavior, effectively communicates those rules by rewarding the correct behaviors, and prevents bad behavior by immediately removing rewards when it occurs.

The confidence your dog will gain through training and a connection with you will calm your dog and lead to a balanced, well-mannered and happily obedient canine companion.


Dog Training Commands in Action

Dog training commands around other dogs Dog training commands in public locations Dog training commands for recreation Dog training commands at home


Dog Obedience for Public Outings

Your dog can be therapy; not just for you, but for those around you. Whether visiting a nursing home, hospital or school, effectively communicating with your canine through dog training commands makes for a comfortable, entertaining and enjoyable experience for all.

Walking in crowds, playing at a dog park, taking your canine along to the local pet store, bringing your dog camping, to a motel, or to your child's sporting activities ... are all examples of how much of life's moments that you, your dog, and others around you can thoroughly enjoy ... when you have an obedient, well-mannered, confident pet.

Dog Training is a Cure for the Impossible Canine

Did you know that anxiety and its resulting negative behaviors is one of the biggest reasons traumatized dogs end up in shelters? The greatest benefit to having your dog fully trained in obedience is that he will look to you, his guardian, as his leader.

Neuman K-9 Academy is the last stop for many dogs that have gone through other programs without success. We have solved many cases deemed helpless or impossible by other dog trainers.

When you invite your dog to live amongst humans, in a human- oriented world, you need to be the pack leader. Your dog shouldn't be expected to make the right choices and watch over you like a true dog pack leader in the wild would.

The next time you get frustrated with your dog for misbehaving, consider the fact that it was probably due to miscommunication. You're simply not understanding each other. Teaching your canine the right way to behave consistently through dog training commands will lead to a healthy, fulfilling relationship between you and your pet companion.

You may be interested in our list of dog training commands translated in French, Dutch, Czech, and German.

Thank you for visiting Neuman K-9 Academy.

Other pages you may find helpful:
Details on each of our dog training programs
Questions? Get answers at Neuman K-9 Academy FAQs
Browse our extensive gallery of graduate pictures and dog training videos